Thursday, June 9, 2011

Embarrassing Dad Waves at Son's Bus in 170 Costumes

If embarrassing your teenage son was an Olympic sport, Utah dad Dale Price would win the gold medal. After learning that his 16-year-old son Rain's school bus route would pass the family home, Price decided to come out and wave at the bus every day—wearing a different costume each time. The 170 home-made costumes Price donned over the school year, documented at Wave At The Bus, included Star Wars characters, a chicken, Michael Jackson, and even a wedding dress complete with bouquet. 

Price says he got the idea for the costumes after his son asked him and his mother not to wave at the school bus. "I hope this lives with him for the rest of his life," he tells the Deseret News. "He can use it against his kids and tell them, 'If you think you are embarrassed by me, you should have seen your grandfather.'" Rain, meanwhile, is probably relieved that his dad isn't planning to wave at the bus next year, although according to his father, the teen has already threatened to do the same thing to his own children. 

Happy Father's Day nga pala :) hehe

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