Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Almost Armageddon

We all almost just died today! Not “almost,” but Earth came within 7500 miles of getting hit by a 30-foot-long asteroid, which would’ve caused “all sortsa sh*t” (science term).

Please explain further, blockquoted Science Paragraph:
A newly discovered asteroid estimated about 30 feet in size and named “2011 MD” will pass by the Earth over the south Atlantic around 1 p.m. EDT today missing a direct hit by only 7500 miles. In the vastness of space of the inner the solar system, this is considered a really close call – less than about 3% of the distance between Earth and the moon and visible even with a small telescope.
Funny how much less attention this asteroid got than the whole Rapture thing last month; guess it just goes to show that we’ll all pay way more attention to any story that makes Tweeting easier.


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