Friday, May 6, 2011

(Will Ferrell As) George Bush Makes Important Announcement About Terrorizing Gopher

Where was George W. Bush when he found out about the death of Osama bin Laden? At the Sizzler on Canyon Ranch Road in Texas, announcing to the world that after a covert operation, he successfully captured and killed Ardilla, the gopher that's been terrorizing his backyard. He explains, "None of us will ever forget the day when that sucker first reared its gopher head..." but after a two-year investigation, a "reliable source" (his gardener Alberto) delivered some helpful intel. Soon, the gopher met his end after a battle that "involved hissing, a garden hose and a rake." Ah, so that's what it means to be out of the spotlight.

He doesn't even let the announcement that "they've got bin Laden" steal the thunder from his own triumph... or maybe that's just because it was sugar-coated with news that there's a taco bar at this Sizzler. Either way, a great day for Americans, a great day for those Sizzler patrons, and a sad day for gophers.
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