Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Try to Live in the moment TODAY

If you ask a psychologist or happiness expert their #1 tip on how to be happier right now, they'll tell you to pause and ENJOY today. Sounds simple, but it's actually really hard to do.

I love this video from NativeShoes, because, as person who is chronically looking ahead, thinking about the future, and planning for tomorrow, I often forget how important it is to stay anchored to the moment I'm living in--to stay anchored to the beauty, the possibilities, the joy of now.

After all, to be truly happy, don't we need to enjoy, appreciate and focus on today, not be so preoccupied with tomorrow? And, I think, the more we can find things that help us stay connected to the moment, the better. This is why I love being with my lovey ones: family and friends. It helps me focus on the present. Each time I'm with them, I'm thinking about being in the moment and how grateful I am for that.

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